🌱 Spring is here, and with it come new icons in the Farm set v1.1! Check it out or read more on the blog.


Mind set

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Mindfulness and meditation became more mainstream in the past decade. More and more people now practice yoga or simply try to improve their mental health. Whether you are a teacher or developer, these icons will help you when explaining others how to transform stress, anxiety and depression to calmness, confidence and happiness.
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candle-bowl icon

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candles icon

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mortar-pestle icon

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herbal medicineherbal extracts

candle-bowl-alt icon

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water-drop icon

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zafu icon

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zabuton icon

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zafu-zabuton-set icon

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singing-bowl-felt-drum-stick icon

Copied as a glyph!


meditationbuddhismcrystaltibetanantiquehealingnepalhealingsound therapy

hand-jnana-mudra icon

Copied as a glyph!


yogameditationhand posture

hand-dhyana-mudra icon

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zazenzenmeditationhand posture

singing-bell-singing icon
ear-listening icon

Copied as a glyph!



incense-fragrance-sticks icon

Copied as a glyph!


aromatherapystress reliefrelaxationperfumed

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